It’s a wonderful feeling to be able to make a difference in someone’s life – that’s why we do what we do!
We also focus on giving back because we know that there are so many ways to change someone’s life for the better.
Here’s how we have given back to the community and the kinds of causes we continue to support:
Alzheimer’s Society
We have personal experience with the devastation that an Alzheimer’s diagnosis can bring, not only for the person living with the disease but their family and friends. And that’s why we’ve been supporting the work of the Alzheimer’s Society since 2015.
The Shoebox Project
This non-profit initiative asks people to fill a shoebox with small luxuries that we might otherwise take for granted. Local volunteers deliver these boxes to women living in shelters during the holidays and the entire year. Since 2013, we have been donating shoeboxes – what a great and easy way to contribute!
Foster Parents Plan
For almost a decade, we’ve been sponsoring foster children through this amazing program. It’s an opportunity to make a direct difference in someone’s life, and to see their lives change right before your very eyes. We’re so excited to be able to help contribute to save children from poverty.
CIBC’s Run for The Cure
In 2010 we were excited to raise over $1,000 for breast cancer research as part of CIBC’s Run for The Cure. We can run – and we can make a difference – what better way to help support the quest to conquer cancer?
World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA)
As dog owners and pet lovers, our team is so happy to support a cause like this. This international charity is dedicated to raising the standards of animal welfare throughout the country and the world.