We’ve seen a lot of people putting out feelers considering an alternative to downtown condo living – many out and out horrified that they’re even considering the suburbs. So we’ve got to weigh in here and ask the question, are you sure? Don’t get us wrong, we’ve put a lot of people into lovely suburban homes with all the perks and upgrades that check off their dream home boxes. But a move to the suburbs is major, and it needs a lot of consideration. Here’s our reality check to help you be sure it’s time to trade in your TO Condo for a home in the burbs.
Working From Home
Many condo owners have found their homes too small now that they have joined the remote workforce. Lacking a space for a dedicated office can lead to feelings of “crampedness” of massive proportions. However, are you sure you’ll continue working from home? Even if your employer has confirmed you can continue to work from home post COVID, did you plan to work there forever? If you move to the suburbs just because you want a home office, this probably isn’t enough of a reason to sell your condo and leave the lifestyle you love. Your career might change, you might lose your job, or you might get an offer you can’t refuse in the downtown core. On the other hand, if you loved the idea of living in a nice big house with your own backyard in the suburbs, but the commute kept you in the city, well than working from home has opened up new possibilities. You can literally live anywhere.
Elevator and Common Space Fears
So next is the whole shared space element of condo living. This is a biggy for a lot of people sick and tired of having to wait for the next elevator because some bozo anti-masker is too cool for rules. This is an annoyance none of us should have to deal with, and frankly it’s something that has gotten old real fast. This is definitely a legit reason to be worrying about condo living. If you move to the suburbs you’ve got your own garage (!), your own entry door, your own foyer, your own laundry room — well you get the picture. So if the germaphobe in you is raising its ugly head and is causing true anxiety and feelings of condo dread, then this might be a better reason to want to move. Because neighbour aversion boils down to a lifestyle thing. You’re living in a closed-knit community that no longer suits you. One precaution though: If the government gets its act together and the vaccine gets into more people’s arms, will you feel you made the move for nothing?
More Affordable Upsizing Options
This has long been the draw of the suburbs. You get more bang for your buck. However, we would caution you here because right now, with more people running away from what they view to be a COVID ridden city rife with germs, demand for houses in the burbs are on the rise. The result? Good old supply and demand is causing home prices in the outer areas of the GTA to rise. At the same time, more people choosing to sell their condos has had the opposite effect with too many listings and not enough buyers. So you’ve got prices dropping and more competition with units offering more bedrooms, better amenities, lake views, more desirable micro-neighbourhoods, etc. Maybe now isn’t the best time to sell your condo if finding more affordable properties in the pastural hills of the country is your driving force.
I Just Want A Good Croissant
Well, it might not be a croissant you miss, but you can consider it a given that when you move to the suburbs, you’re going to miss a lot of the things you take for granted in the city. What’s your favourite restaurant? Your favourite Sunday past time? Where do you meet friends for drinks? What patio is best for people watching? Where do you buy your Rogue River Blue Cheese? Your morning Sam James coffee? Trust us when we say with 100% confidence you will miss all of the conveniences of the city more than you know.
Stay or Go? The Bottom Line
Even the best condo buildings in Toronto can have you feeling the call of the suburbs during the stress and unknowns of the pandemic. But we make our worst decisions when under stress. If you’ve always planned to live in a bigger house in the suburbs someday, then deciding to do so now is pretty rational. However, if you’re feeling driven to escape the germs, but you love your urban lifestyle, holding off a bit longer for the vaccines to kick in probably makes more sense.
Either way, we’re here to help. We’d love to chat about your home owning aspirations and point you in the right direction, even if it’s due north! Give us a call at 416.291.7372.