Spring is upon us, soon the flowers will be blooming and the birds will be singing their sweet spring tune but our homes may still be suffering the winter blues! Spring cleaning allows us to organize and de-clutter our homes – and let’s be honest we could all use the inspiration of this tradition!
Organizing and de-cluttering your home are the biggest and most difficult parts of spring cleaning! The most important part of this is to be honest with yourself – are you really going to use that stationary exercise bike again?
Collect three different boxes and label them ’TRASH’, ‘GIVE – AWAY’ (or sell) and ‘STORAGE’.
‘TRASH’ – This is anything you do not need or want and that is not worth donating exp: damaged or broken items.
‘GIVE-AWAY’ – Be generous! Think about the use someone else will get out of it! Dropping off a few bags to Goodwill feels great or if you’d like to donate to Re/Max Hallmark’s annual ‘Yard Sale for the Cure’ in May, please contact me!
‘STORAGE’ – This is anything you simply cannot part with but you do not need it on a regular basis. Make sure you organize your storage too! Be sure to write each item IN the box ON the box or better yet – use clear Rubbermaid containers!
Work room by room to avoid becoming overwhelmed and don’t forget to go through closets, cabinets, and storage spaces! Stay tuned for more spring cleaning tips!
Happy Cleaning!